Tracker for Max 30

4.8 ( 6468 ratings )
Sport Hälsa & Fitness
Utvecklare: Jason Shehane
0.99 USD

This app helps you track your progress while following the Insanity Max 30 workout program from Beachbody. You therefore need to have purchased a copy of the Max 30 workout from Beachbody to use this app. Visit to purchase the workout DVD.

Im a developer who loves to stay fit and after finishing my Insanity & T25 was really excited to begin the Max 30 workout. This app allows you to:

- Track Max Out and Ab Maximizer calendars
- Check off each workout completed and the date you completed it
- Track Calories and report them to HealthBook (on available devices)
- See what workout youve got next
- Create a photo-log of your progress
- Track common measurements like weight and waist size
- Plot progress on interactive chart
- Add notes to each workout
- Post workout completions to Facebook and Twitter (iOS integration required)
- Track multiple workout profiles
- Export data
- and much more!

I hope you find this app helpful in your journey to fitness! Enjoy :)

Key Features

- Tracking: Its never been easier to track your workouts and plan for whats coming up. No more searching for that paper calendar, just pull out your phone or iPad!

- HealthBook Integration: Dont let those hard earned Calories go to waist! Report them to iOS HealthBook to complete your overall health profile!

- Multiple Profiles: Under "My Workouts" you can track as many profiles as you like. For example one for you and one for your friend as you workout together.

- Sharing: Nothing keeps you motivated like posting a workout completion to twitter or facebook. Post your weight loss graph and get even more support from the facebook likes or the twitter comments!

- Photos: Track your progress with photos! Take a photo once a week or even daily. I recommend consistency when taking photos, always pose the same way and orient the camera the same way. This makes scrolling through them in the cover-flow interface much nicer.

- Notes: You can log custom notes for each workout. Keep dietary or other information in the notes to help you remember how you felt or what you did to make that workout special.

Note: This app is no way associated with Beach Body LLC or the Insanity Max 30 program.